Would you be able to Fix Bad Credit as a 20-or 30-Something Would you be able to Fix Bad Credit as a 20-or 30-Something? Opploans Blog Building Credit Scores Can You Fix Bad Credit as a 20-or 30-Something? Amanda Finn, OppLoans Blog Contributor Updated on: January 2, 2020 Can You Fix Bad Credit as a 20-or 30-Something?Millennials can frequently battle monetarily, which may affect their FICO ratings. Be that as it may, these tips can assist work with crediting profiles worth messaging home about!Millennials. They're typically accepting the consequences for something some place on some random day. In any case, an unavoidable truth as a millennial is that they are commonly winning not exactly their folks did when they were their age.That doesn't look good for their financial assessments. Truth be told, when we overviewed recent college grads in 2018, 46 percent of them revealed feeling kept down by their credit scores.But never dread millennial perusers! Terrible FICO assessments aren't lasting gouges in your money related wellbeing.