Hanta Pulmonary Syndrome      The Hanta Pulmonary Syndrome (HPS) is a disease that has emerged in North America only recently. Its source is a virus carried by rodents, particularly the deer mouse, and transmitted by direct contact with their droppings. Symptoms appear within the one to six weeks of initial exposure, and initially include muscle aches, fever, and other flu-like symptoms. After a while, the victim may experience shortness of breath and coughing resulting from decreased circulation in the lungs and a lowered white blood cell count coupled with opportunistic infections. At this stage if they are not brought to a hospital soon they stand the risk of dying within the next twenty-four hours.      This disease, although not new, has experienced a large re-emergence in the southwestern United States and Mexico due to the arid climates in those areas. Cases have been spread all over the western U.S. with even a few in the east, but nearly half of the cases to date have been in the Four Corners area.

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